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The Button Element and The Pointer Cursor

Why buttons don't have a pointer cursor by default

I've recently contributed to an Open Source project for the first time. Jeej me! I've found a nice code playground like Codepen and JSFiddle the other day that has a Chrome extension that allows me to open a new playground in a new tab with one click. The nice thing about this code playground is the fact it is quite easy and straightforward to add libraries like MometJS to the mix. I was missing Lodash though. It had Underscore but I like Lodash more 🤷🏻‍♂️ So I checked out the repository in GitHub and added Lodash to the list of libraries myself. Creating that small pull request made me hungry for more, so I spent some time inspecting the application, searching for more stuff to improve.

That's when I noticed the buttons and links in the footer of the application. They